
How to wear overalls

January 15, 2016

Overalls are actually very trendy but it is not really easy to wear them without looking like a little girl of 5 years old;) However I think there are some very cool ways to wear them. Last week end, we went to have a walk and see the beautiful sunset in the paradise area of Calblanque. It is a protected and wild beach, with tandoori color sand and little paths through rosemary bushes and palm trees. So that day I felt like to wear faded and destroyed boyfriend overalls with a simple sailor sweater and black sneakers to walk easily into the wild. About the beauty look, I think it is better to wear a light make up with this kind of outfit and rather highlight the lips and nails. You know I am a orange lipstick lover and I feel it matches well with the denim color.  However a red lipstick could be very feminine and the pink  totally rocks!

In fact according to the place, mood and weather there are plenty of possibilities to wear overalls. Here are some of my favorite ideas to style it:

  • Black & white: black leather overalls with a simple white tee-shirt or shirt and black pumps is a hyper sexy outfit !
  • Total white: white overalls with a white top and nude high eels is very elegant and freshY so fresh!
  • Denim overalls: can be very sexy with sneakers, a crop top and no bra (for the ladies that have little tits). You can also wear them half undone for a cooler attitude. For a more casual outfit, you can even wear them with a beige trench and ballerinas.
  • Overall dress or short: they are a nice alternative and can be easily wore in many colors. I really love the 70’s touch of the suede button front dress with a black turtle neck.

If you have other ideas, I would love to discover them in the comments:) Bisous, Melissa♥

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Overalls – Zara

Sweater – School Rag

Shoes – Little boutique in Toulouse

Earrings – Aristocrazy


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