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5 reasons to discover Senegal

April 17, 2016
discover Senegal

When leaving Senegal, we were already thinking to buy new tickets to see all the treasures of this country that we did not have the time to discover! Senegal is not a “trendy” destination compared to Australia, Mexico or Thailand and it seems that many people feel scared to travel in Africa due to Ebola, terrorist threats and I don’t know what other reasons… However Senegal is a great place to visit for travelers with wanderlust genes. If you too guys, were born to travel, always searching for something new and different to see, you should be interested in visiting Senegal! To all the open-minded travelers hungry to explore the world, I am sharing with you pictures of my favorite places and moments in Senegal and telling you 5 good reasons why you should discover Senegal.

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Here are 5 good reasons why you should discover Senegal:


Senegal has not only a unique culture, but also unforgettable sites that give a real change of scenery. You will also be chocked by its strong history marked by slavery, commemorated on the Gorée Island that has been the center of the slave trade in Africa. You will be inevitably seduced by its picturesque markets, its music, dances and fascinated by the marabout culture… all these reasons are making this destination a perfect introduction to Africa.


One of the things I love about Senegal is that it is a very colorful country. From the beautiful dresses in wax of the women to the paintings on the pirogues or on the legendary “car rapides”, you will be impressed by the mosaic of colors and the patterns that illuminate the landscapes. Art is everywhere!


This is an important point: contrary to what people believe; it is safe country and I really appreciated the teranga spirit (welcoming spirit), coolness and sense of humor of the Senegalese. In fact, Senegal remains a stable democracy and is a good example of peaceful inter-religious and ethnic coexistence.


From the lush delta of Casamance to the Sahel savannah, the country is still wild and adventurers will really enjoy all the outdoor activities that Senegal can propose. The coastline attracts those that enjoy sunbathing and surfers will have a good time on its waves. Personally I loved being in the bush because of its magic atmosphere and the landscapes with its majestic baobab trees are breathtaking. Quad biking in the desert and rolling down the dunes is also so much fun! Natural parks such as Djoudj are amazing, rich in all kinds of birds and others wild animals; and let’s not forget the pink lake that is a wonder of nature.


Trust me, you should definitely taste the Senegalese cuisine, which is one of the best and most varied of West Africa. The traditional recipes offer a multitude of flavors such as the thieboudienne of fish that is the national dish, the succulent chicken yassa (the recipe is available here), mafé of beef, bissap juice (hibiscus juice) and even the peanuts are the best I have ever eaten in all my life!

Bisous, Melissa ♡