
Discover Pin&Tucker

January 25, 2016

Good news! If you too, sometimes cannot decide what dress color looks better on you or what outfit you should wear to go to this party… I have discovered a great fashion shopping app that will totally change your life! Indeed with the new app Pin&Tucker you can get an instant feedbacks from other users on what you are wearing right now. How does it work? Easy and fast:

  1. Download the app Pin&Tucker for free here: App store or Google Play
  2. Take a pic of your outfit and post it in the app
  3. Get hundreds of opinions within minutes!

app Pin&Tuckerapp Pin&Tucker FullSizeRender-16

This app is really fun to use and it is a cool way to get honest feedbacks from other fashion lovers! I love the mindset of this community that is helping each other to find the best outfit. Some of the members could be your friends and others are people that you have never met and could really inspire you! In addition, if you check out the app when you’re shopping, you can receive sales offers and invitations to shop events from stores nearby! If you have not already heard about Pin&Tucker, I guess it is just a matter of time because they have just won a competition through the city of Paris and are in discussions with big retailers such as Galeries Lafayette and Marks & Spencer! By the way, you can find Pin&Tucker among the best new apps in the apps store! I told you, it rocks! Bisous, Melissa ♥




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  • M&MFASHIONBITES January 29, 2016 at 12:22 am

    Nice picture 🙂
    Maria V.

    • melissaslittlesecrets February 1, 2016 at 5:01 pm

      Thank you Maria! Your blog is very cool